Making up s**t

Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson and theoretical physicist Brian Greene in conversation about the great leaps of logic and intuition behind discoveries in quantum physics.


The way the nutrino was predicted was from looking at these particle decays and finding that the energy budget was not adding up. And so the idea was maybe there's an invisible particle that's carrying away some additional energy…


Was this Enrico Fermi?




So what I like about this is [Fermi says] “Look folks. I can’t explain this. Let’s make some shit up.”


Yes! But geniuses…make up shit that’s right!

Neil deGrasse Tyson and Brian Greene Confront the Edge of our Understanding, at 31:04. Star Talk. July 2, 2024. From Left to right: Tyson, commedian and co-host Chuck Nice, and Greene.

Leiden City of Science References, Part 4: Convenings, Places, Activities

This is the last post in a 4-part series about “engaging, mind-blowing, and inclusive websites and/or online campaigns” relating to art and/or science — all in response to a call on Twitter from Meta Knol, Director of the Leiden 2022 European City of Science initiative.

This post focuses on Convenings, Places, and Activities. Previous posts focused on,

…It’s a nice, broad range of categories but, admittedly, non-scientific and there is a lot of overlap between them.

All the same qualifiers and caveats apply to this bunch of references as the last 3 — I’m focusing on science content from my own tiny Western frame-of-reference (though I would dearly love to know what the wonderful websites and campaigns look like from the perspective of people in Jakarta, Mexico City, Mumbai…!); I’m drawn to bottom-up & community-focused content and interactions (though I’m clearly a sucker for a good story); and I’m not as impressed with fancy bespoke apps and custom websites as I am with simple, direct, communication with and for people and communities.

As I’ve thought about Meta’s question over the last few weeks and considered my own responses it became really clear to me that the websites, apps, and digital projects and things that have brought me joy have rarely been the kinds of standalone apps or carefully crafted content experiences that museums and educational institutions often want to produce. Not that those kinds of here-is-the-virtual-tour-of-our-Cezanne-exhibition or here-is-our-learn-about-the-cosmos-app experiences can’t be joyous and wonderful — but, to me, the voice and the shocking, surprising, joy-giving wonderfulness of the Internet and tech comes, when it comes, more from the wilder, unconstrained corners of the web — and the parts of the Internet where people-meet-people — than from the parts that Institutions have tried to tame and control.

Finally, a lot of the examples and references I’m drawn to don’t fit neatly into the category of websites, apps, or digital things. For example, Fridays for Future, cited below, isn’t a website or an app, it’s a global climate-action movement for which social media and the web is an integral part., also cited below, is a web platform, but it’s not the web/tech aspect of the platform that’s particularly interesting (though there is a lot to study and learn there) but what it helps to accomplish out in the world.

All of my choices across each of these 4 posts reflect my feeling that when it comes to designing things to help or inspire or serve people and communities — thinking about digital and physical as two different things is a trap; a dead end that leads nowhere. From what I’ve observed, digital and physical are just two parts of whole, and when teams think openly and creatively across the whole, blended spectrum of our digital and physical lives then wonderful, exciting, important things can happen.

Convenings, Places, and Activities

AI Dungeon

Alternate Reality Game — World Without Oil

  • What: An ARG (Alternate Reality Game) that asked players to imagine what it would be like to live in a world without oil. “The game sketched out the overarching conditions of a realistic oil shock, then called upon players to imagine and document their lives under those conditions.…The game's central site linked to all the player material, and the game's characters documented their own lives, and commented on player stories, on a community blog and individual blogs, plus via IM, chat, Twitter and other media.” (via Wikipedia)

  • Why: ARGs and “serious play” (games for change, etc) often intend to help people develop new kinds of creative, civic responses to plausible future scenarios. “Play it before you live it” was the game’s motto. ARGs are also known for involving players in the shaping of the plot and narratives as gameplay progresses.

  • Website: Archive/contact,

  • Press/info: One Story With 1,700 Different Authors (Current, 2008),; World Without Oil (Wikipedia),

  • Sample: Video and info,

Fridays for Future

  • What: Global youth protest movement focused on the climate emergency. Catalyzed by Greta Thunberg; also known as School Strike for Climate.

  • Why: Global protest movement reaching remarkable scale and visibility. Coordinated, amplified, and publicized through social media with the #fridaysforfuture hashtag, among others. A digital strike and a Fridays For Future Digital movement have been organized for those unable to protest “outside” and in places with COVID-19 restrictions.

  • Website: . See a map of future strikes (next one is March 19, 2021) and register your own event,

  • Press/info: (Note: this article was written by a high-school student for the Seattle Times) “‘A mass woke-ning’: Seattle’s Gen Zers on the future they want to see” (Seattle Times, 2021),

  • Sample: …

Into the Wild

  • What: 2017 Augmented Reality exhibition at the ArtScience Museum, Singapore. The museum worked with film and installation artist Brian Gothong Tan to create a rainforest inside the museum’s public corridors.

  • Why: Clever and resourceful use of non-gallery spaces to engage visitors in a visceral, playful way on the subject of deforestation, biodiversity, and the climate emergency. One interesting feature of the exhibition: visitors could plant a virtual tree and (for a fee) a real tree would be planted on their behalf by an NGO partner in Indonesia. (Note: I didn’t see this installation first-hand, but I talked to some of the museum’s team not long after the exhibition closed.)

  • Website:

  • Press/info: Press release by a project partner, the World Wildlife Federation,

  • Sample: Video (MediaMonks, 2017),

  • What: Meetup is “a platform for finding and building local communities. People use Meetup to meet new people, learn new things, find support, get out of their comfort zones, and pursue their passions, together.” (via

  • Why: In-person meetups have taken a hammering during the pandemic, but the range and diversity of science-related groups and meetups is staggering. (I found over a hundred science-related groups within 100km of Leiden before my hand got tired from scrolling.) Someone told me that in fast-moving fields like robotics and AI a meetup is often the best way to share and learn of cutting-edge developments, with some topics/meetups attracting over 1,000 attendees on short notice.

  • Website:

  • Press/info:

  • Sample:

Pokémon Go

  • What: A place-based, digital/physical augmented reality app, game, and global public phenomenon.

  • Why: A reminder that people can use games, stories, and tech in fascinating, surprising, and inspiring ways.
    Vice News found a link to scientific thinking as well,

    "I think the biggest lesson is how many people are truly interested in biodiversity, even if the biodiversity they are first introduced to is fictional," Morgan Jackson, an insect taxonomist and PhD candidate at the University of Guelph, told me over email.

    "It's easy to write Pokémon off as a simple game or waste of time when there are so many 'real' plants and animals out there waiting to be recognized. But there are a lot of barriers to learning about nature, and there's no tutorial mode to help people get started like there is in Pokémon." (Source/link below)

  • Website:

  • Press/info: Overview, Pokémon Go Will Make You Crave Augmented Reality (New Yorker, 2016),; Is 'Pokémon Go' Good For Science? (Vice, 2016)

  • Sample: See trailer at

Public Libraries

  • What: Public libraries as public and virtual places where people engage with science content.

  • Why: Civics, community…Libraries are an under-utilized resource and platform when it comes to the production of city-scale events and campaigns. Many libraries host events and public lectures, have after-school clubs for kids, offer classes and educational opportunities, and support “labs” and maker spaces as well.

  • Website: …

  • Press/info: …

  • Sample: See, for example, Do Space in Omaha, Nebraska, “a community technology library, a digital workshop, and an innovation playground filled with new opportunities to learn, grow, explore and create”; NASA @ My Library campaign (2017),


In working on this post I remembered a few other online/digital science-related things that made gave me a good, positive buzz ;)

Virtual Dissection Table

  • What: A big, interactive touch-screen table for looking at (and into, and through) the human body.

  • Why: Just a perfect, flawlessly executed use of touch-tables to visualize something that’s very hard to grasp in other media. Using one of these tables makes me think about the human body in an entirely new way.

  • Website: There are many vendors. Anatomage is one, and while I think their video is good the “sample” video below gives a better sense of what it’s like to actually use one of these with your own hands.

  • Press/info: TED talk and demo by Anatomage CEO Jack Choi (2012),

  • Sample: Pirogov Interactive Anatomy table: tutorial for users (2020),

Do You Love Me (Spot, Atlas, Boston Dynamics)

AR Chemistry Apps

  • What: Augmented Reality applications that let you see and manipulate molecules and chemical reactions.

  • Why: Chemistry can be really abstract and hard to understand for people (and it’s often poorly taught) but these apps can help people understand and appreciate how amazing chemistry really is. (I think having a grasp of chemistry is essential for 21st century citizenship.)

  • Website: There are a lot of apps out there and honestly I have no idea which ones are good, but the videos below will give a sense of what this is all about.

  • Press/info: Great story! — Vietnamese High School Student Creates AR Chemistry App After Academic Flop (Vietnam Times, 2017),

  • Sample: AR Chemistry Augmented Reality Education Arloon (2017),
    This one is a little confusing, but shows the potential for organic chemistry, MoleculAR (v0.4): an augmented reality app for organic chemistry (2018),

Perseverance Rover Panoramas and VR

Other post in this series: Part 1: Websites, Channels, and Platforms | Part 2: Campaigns and Happenings | Part 3: Media and Products | Part 4: Convenings, Places, Activities

Leiden City of Science References, Part 3: Media & Products

This is part 3 of a 4-part series of posts in reaction to an inquiry on Twitter from Meta Knol, Director of the Leiden City of Science initiative, about “the most engaging, interesting, mind blowing, and inclusive websites and/or online campaign[s]” in the field of art and/or science.

This post focuses on Media & Products, and previous posts focused on Websites, Channels, and Platforms, and Campaigns and Happenings.

All the same qualifiers and caveats apply to this bunch of references as the last 2 — I’m focusing on science content from my own tiny Western frame-of-reference; I’m drawn to bottom-up & community-focused content and interactions (though I’m clearly a sucker for a good story); and I’m not as impressed with fancy bespoke apps and custom websites as I am with simple, direct, communication with and for people and communities.

So with that being said, here’s a quick list of things I would want rattling around in my head if I were designing a year long festival of science.

Media & Products


  • What: Groundbreaking and wildly influential 1980 television series hosted by (and co-written by) astronomer Carl Sagan. A best selling companion book was also produced. A follow-up series was produced in 2014, and though the science content is clearly more up-to-date I felt the newer version didn’t have the grace and majesty of the original.

  • Why: Cosmos brought the majesty and wonder of scientific inquiry to the masses and inspired generations of people to become scientists and look at our universe (and our role in it) in a new way.

  • Website: …

  • Press/info: Wikipedia,

  • Sample: The famous “Pale Blue Dot” sequence,
    Many full episodes are available on YouTube,

Edge Foundation Annual Questions

  • What: For 20 years (1998-2018) the Edge Foundation asked an “annual question” that is answered in the form of short responses from hundreds of diverse scientists, creatives, and intellectuals. Questions have included, “What is your favorite deep, elegant, or beautiful explanation?”, “What scientific idea is ready for retirement?”, and “What is the last question?” The responses are published en masse on the website, and selected essays are curated into book form.

  • Why: The Edge questions constitute a unique and powerful example of collective intelligence, where the “the wisdom of the crowd” shines light on complex subjects from diverse points-of-view.

  • Website:

  • Press/info: Wikipedia,,_Inc.. Note that founder and editor John Brockman has come under scrutiny as an associate of Jeffrey Epstein.

  • Sample: What Will Change Everything (Published in print as This Will Change Everything), 2009, which had 152 contributors. The essays are here. ,

Magazines — Science and Nature

  • What: The venerable magazines, Science (the peer-reviewed journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science) and Nature.

  • Why: Both journals have been publishing groundbreaking scientific research and editorials for over 140 years. The magazines have now largely moved online and feature a robust array of newsletters, features, and articles. Many older adults may think of Science and Nature as printed magazines, but for those born more recently the journals’ existence as hybrid digital/print platforms is wholly unremarkable. To me, they are just cool and important content that I happen to interact with through a Web browser.

  • Website: Science,; Nature,

  • Press/info: Wikipedia: Science,; Nature,

  • Sample: Current issues (links above), and social media: Twitter (@ScienceMagazine, @Nature) and Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, etc


  • What: Quirky, groundbreaking, cult-classic American television series.

  • Why: Unbridled curiosity, unique format, accessible to kids, passionate dedication to experimental scientific methods. The show was unparalleled in its ability to show the role of failure in the scientific creative process. Also, the show had a vibrant back-channel on social media and through email for interaction with fans, and these interactions often had a direct influence on the content of episodes.

  • Website: Homepage on the Discovery Channel,;

  • Press/info: Wikipedia,

  • Sample: Moon Landing Hoax, 2008,

Not Enough Dinosaurs on NPR News

  • What: “Science: 8-Year-Old Calls Out NPR For Lack Of Dinosaur Stories” — A young listener complains that there is too much boring content on National Public Radio news and not enough stories about dinosaurs.

    My name is Leo and I am 8 years old. I listen to All Things Considered in the car with mom. I listen a lot.

    I never hear much about nature or dinosaurs or things like that. Maybe you should call your show Newsy things Considered, since I don't get to hear about all the things. Or please talk more about dinosaurs and cool things.



  • Why: Adults forget how and why kids love the world.

  • Website: …

  • Press/info: “Science: 8-Year-Old Calls Out NPR For Lack Of Dinosaur Stories”,

  • Sample: …

Podcasts — Science Vs; Ologies

The Electromagnetic Spectrum Song

  • What: A short, catchy, amateur-created song and video to explain the electromagnetic spectrum.

  • Why: Quirky, memorable science-education content from the fringe — familiar to millions of high-school physics students around the world.

  • Website: YouTube (lots of uploads, but this seems to be the most authoritative),

  • Press/info: …

  • Sample: …

Zeynep Tufekci – newsletter

Other post in this series: Part 1: Websites, Channels, and Platforms | Part 2: Campaigns and Happenings | Part 3: Media and Products | Part 4: Convenings, Places, Activities

Leiden City of Science References, Part 2: Campaigns and Happenings

On Friday I wrote-up some references in response to an inquiry on Twitter from Meta Knol, Director of the Leiden City of Science initiative, about “the most engaging, interesting, mind blowing, and inclusive websites and/or online campaign[s]” in the field of art and/or science.

After an initial brainstorm I thought it would be easier and more useful to organize my thoughts in a series of posts here than in a zillion tweets.

Today I’ll add another category, Campaigns & Happenings, to the list of things I would want rattling around in my brain if I were creating a year-long festival of science.

As with my previous post about Websites & Channels; Platforms; and Campaigns and Happenings, my viewpoints and experiences here are limited (or blinded) by my predominantly Western, European/North American field-of-reference (What are the best citizen-science campaigns in South America? Where are the best science happenings in South Korea?!), and I am coming at this with an interest in looser, more informal, more bottom-up kinds of productions than one would typically find from cultural and scientific institutions; more “How can we see or reveal the know-how / curiosity / creative capacity of this community?” than “How can we tell audiences about this thing that we want them to know?”

In the next few days I’ll put up some thoughts about interesting Media & Products, and Convenings, Places, and Activities.

Campaigns & Happenings


Creative Mornings

Curators of @Sweden

  • What: A 2012-2019 campaign: Twitter account for the nation of Sweden, given to a different citizen every week.

  • Why: Official entities, governments, and institutions often choose to use friendly but stilted and inauthentic voices for their social media presence; Sweden chose to trust their voice to everyday citizens. It’s a testament to their faith in the power of democracy — messy, diverse, surprising, authentic. Also a good lesson in trusting your audience and not freaking out when user-generated-content gets controversial (per the New Yorker story, below).

  • Website: Twitter,

  • Press/info: “The Pleasing Irreverence of @Sweden“ (New Yorker, 2012),; “Say Goodbye to @sweden, the Last Good Thing on Twitter (Wired, 2018)”,

  • Sample: Here’s the first tweet (and dialogue/replies) from Lars Lundqvist’s tenure as Curator of Sweden in July, 2012. Or dive into the archive of Tweets or pick up a thread/theme from the articles above.

Day of Facts

DIY Bio community

Email to trees

  • What: City of Melbourne, Australia assigned email addresses to city-owned trees so residents could report problems, but people started writing letters to the trees!

  • Why: Example of strange, awesome, unexpected ways that people will use simple tech platforms (email!) for remarkable things. (“The street finds its own uses for things.” — William Gibson.) Evidence that people have an un-met need to express and explore their relationships with nature.
    Website: …

  • Press/info: When You Give a Tree an Email Address (The Atlantic, 2015),

  • Sample: See the examples from the Atlantic article, cited above, or this lovely interactive from ABC News Australia.

Imgur Art Crawl

  • What: Community art show from one of the Internet’s largest image sharing & social sites.

  • Why: Making the skills, talents, and passions of the community visible. Non-transactional and non-financial. “Art” as defined by non-experts, largely absent the hangups and preconceptions of art museums, galleries, and academics.

  • Website: Announcement:
    Press/info: …

  • Sample: — My favorites are the ones from people who cook, sew, and craft who say “I don’t know if you consider it art, but…”

Maker Faire


NASA Planetary Rovers and Space Probes on Twitter

Wikipedia Edit-a-Thons

Other post in this series: Part 1: Websites, Channels, and Platforms | Part 2: Campaigns and Happenings | Part 3: Media and Products | Part 4: Convenings, Places, Activities

Leiden City of Science References, Part 1

My friend and colleague Meta Knol, Director of the Leiden 2022 City of Science, asked yesterday for Twitter’s thoughts on “the most engaging, interesting, mind blowing, and inclusive websites and/or online campaign[s]” in the field of art and/or science.

A lot of ideas came to mind! And I thought it would be easier to list them out here than to blast out a series of Tweets.

I decided to focus on unusual science sites rather than art and culture. I also tried to think about what kinds of digital and digital-physical things (sites, apps, platforms, products, convenings) I would want to have rattling around in my mind if I were putting together a year long festival of science.

I’ve broken my thoughts into 5 categories, Websites & Channels; Platforms; Campaigns & Happenings; Media & Products; and Convenings, Places, & Activities. I can see that I definitely have a Western, English language, American/European bias and perspective on things, and I’d be eager to learn of new sites and resources that are more relevant in other contexts. Who is the most popular science blogger in India? Who is doing citizen science in West Africa? I’d really like to know!

A lot of this is just content in its most basic form, writing and speaking – blogging and vlogging — or using other people’s platforms (like Google Earth). I don’t think one needs to build fancy/expensive new websites, apps, or technology platforms to surprise and delight people, especially at first. Nobody cares that Derek Muller’s Veritasium videos are on YouTube and not his own Website or app — they just want to hear what he has to say. (Though the ethics of 3rd party platforms requires careful consideration.)

I also have a bias towards looser, more informal, more bottom-up kinds of productions than one would typically find from cultural and scientific institutions; more “How can we see or reveal the know-how / curiosity / creative capacity of this community?” than “How can we tell the community what we want them to know?”

As I was looking for articles and info about some of these efforts I could feel the influence of formal education — school-based learning. Not that I think school is a bad thing (!), but there’s a tendency for that particular lens with its requirements for standards of learning, formal evaluation, etc. to kind of drain away the open-ended curiosity and joy-of-learning that I find so appealing in so many of these projects. This was particularly evident with projects like Google Earth and Google Expeditions, where the tone of conversation about classroom goals quite overwhelmed the simple beauties of exploration, curiosity, and wonder seen in the experiences of the kids.

The first two categories I came up with — Websites, and Channels and Platforms — are below, and I’ll put the others in subsequent posts.

Here’s a Jamboard showing my initial brainstorm, though I’ve since pared away some ideas and added some new ones.

Websites & Channels

Individual Healthcare Professionals & Epidemiologists on Twitter

  • What: Someone, maybe Farhad Manjoo at the NY Times, observed that individual medical practitioners have been doing an outstanding job of communicating to the public during the pandemic crisis.

  • Why: An example of people in platforms and informal networks doing good.

  • Press/info: …

  • Sample: via Charlie Warzel: “In a 35-tweet thread on Monday, Tom Inglesby, director of the Center for Health Security of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, laid out the case for social distancing in American cities.” (Inglesby’s tweets start here:


Teen Vogue

The Brain Scoop


Vi Hart

Wait but Why


Bill Nye the Science Guy

BLACK and STEM (#blackandstem)

Creative Commons, Open Science

Google Cardboard / Expeditions

Google Earth / Google Sky / Google Treks / Google Street View

IEEE Spectrum

  • What: Magazine/blog from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

  • Why: Great writing and content point-of-view at the intersection of science, technology, and society. Nice balance between technical and non-technical language.

  • Website:

  • Press/info: …

  • Sample: Pick anything on the homepage (good information architecture example of putting your content up front!),


Khan Academy

Minecraft / Minecraft Education Edition

MIT Open Courseware

Reddit Ask Me Anything (AMA)






* * *

Other post in this series: Part 2: Campaigns and Happenings | Part 3: Media and Products | Part 4: Convenings, Places, Activities

Enough doubt

“…Each day I believed a little more, and each day I still had enough doubt.”
Physicist Rana Adhikari, from an interview with Derek Muller, How Scientists Reacted to Gravitational Wave Detection, Veritasium2, 5 January 2017

This interview with Rana Adhikari, following his teams’ discovery of gravitational waves in 2016, is an astonishing testimony to the role of doubt in scientific inquiry.

DEREK MULLER: Can you tell me how you first realized that LIGO might have detected gravitational waves?

RANA ADHIKARI: I think I was traveling on that day so I didn't know. I came back here I believe on the day after and I was wandering around in the building and people were sort of whispering and looking over their shoulders but didn’t want to spill it. They were like did you hear, did you hear?  Have you seen it? What do you think? [And I said] I don't even know what your talking about. And they said yeah it's like “there’s an event and it looks really real.” And it’s like, whatever, I don't have time for this nonsense. I got things to do man.

MULLER: Why weren’t you more interested. This could be it, right?  You’ve been working for a decade, two decades?

ADHIKARI: Two decades.

MULLER: And you didn’t want to say like “I’ll have a look” at least?

ADHIKARI: No. We had just turned the detectors on, barely, I was ready to wait for some month or 6 months...I don’t know. We were going to take data for 3 or 4 months. And I thought maybe in a month or two something will pop but it'll be really tiny and we won't find it and then maybe we'll spend another six months combing through the data and developing the algorithms to eventually find it, but, you know, no way would it be like, you turn it on and immediately there’s a signal, which is what people were saying. 

So I said I said look, just settle down a little bit. You don't understand how the world works, it's not like this. You turn on your device and there's some burps and glitches and it's a kind of growing pains at the beginning. And I said, when you've been around as long as I have you understand how complicated it is, young people, so just go back about your business and nothing to see here. And that's all.

And then it just wouldn't die. Everyone was still looking at it. And I just didn't bother to look at it for another week, probably, because it just seemed, like... there's always fake events, right?

MULLER: But how did you finally convince yourself that it was real?

ADHIKARI: I downloaded the data and I looked at it, and I [made] a lot of plots. When I looked at it it just seemed like... there's no bells and whistles to it. It’s two black holes, and it’s spinning a lot, and they merge together and it swoops up in frequency and it chirps in just the right way and then what emerges is no craziness — it just emerges and goes “whoop.” And then  it settles down and the final black hole is not spinning. It just seems like something that...if you were trying to fake a signal, that seemed like a fine fake signal to make.

And the peak frequency of that signal…and there are a lot of astonishing things…the peak frequency of that signal happens to be at the frequency where our detector is most sensitive. What are the chances that nature would engineer a signal right in our sweet spot?

The easiest thing to calculate is black hole [to] black hole mergers because black holes are simple and don't have a lot of stuff inside of them, it’s just a black hole in space. And these two are about the same mass so the calculation of what the waveform should look like it's really simple, so it’s the easiest thing to find in so many ways. 

And I have always wanted to find a signal which is about this heavy because I thought, wouldn't it be great to find the black hole that was heavier than what everybody else wanted? And the signal would be really loud, and if the universe made black holes this heavy we could detect them way back in time to the beginning of the universe and we’d be able to see by looking at how these things got distorted as the universe expanded we could figure out a whole thing about how the universe expanded. This is just my dream.

I thought, fantastic! And then I see you signal like that … I said, uh, it's too good to be true. How could there be a signal that would be just like what I wanted, and as soon as we turned the thing on? That would mean that these black holes are so numerous that we're going to get these signals, you know, a hundred or a thousand times more frequently than we estimated, and how… that's not how the world works, right? It can't be everything is great. So I just didn't believe it. 

Then I went through and with a lot of other people we examined all of the different conspiracy theories that we had for how the signal could have been faked.

Like, someone was mad and tried to do it. Someone hacked in and changed the software. Someone went in and pushed something and had someone else on the phone at the other side and pushed something in the same way, and set up devices…

But you see what kind of mess it is here. If I had a little Gadget that made a little thing like that I could probably hide it underneath some place and cover it with some aluminum foil or trash. And so we had people walk around physically with a flashlight and look around everywhere to look for hidden conspiracy devices that would be sneakily putting in fake signals, because, you know, what if what if it got to the point where if we haven't had signals for so long, and someone who's really been waiting a long time and whose career depends on it…

MULLER: ...who needs their PhD or something…

ADHIKARI: Yeah, right, and their career will be made by something like this so they just get desperate and unethical and then they spend a year building a really maniacal plan to somehow do this and evade  everybody. And eventually we came to the conclusion that there was only maybe like five or six people left in our whole thousand person collaboration who had enough know-how to do all of these things, and so we all just stared at each other for a while and said, did you do it? Did you do it? And we couldn't come up with any way that it could have been done because you need at least two people to do it. One person alone wouldn’t be able to do it.

So I’d say by two or three weeks after the detection I was pretty well convinced that it was real.

MULLER: How did that feel?

ADHIKARI: It was like a slow boil. Nothing dramatic.

MULLER: You did go crazy and go to Vegas?

ADHIKARI: No because it didn't happen all at once. It was just each day I believed a little more. And each day I still had enough doubt.

Blowing up in our faces

We've arranged a global civilization in which most crucial elements - transportation, communications, and all other industries; agriculture, medicine, education, entertainment, protecting the environment; and even the key democratic institution of voting - profoundly depend on science and technology. We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster. We might get away with it for a while, but sooner or later this combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces.
Carl Sagan, The Demon Haunted World, 1996. Page 28.
I know you are trying but just not hard enough. Sorry.
Greta Thunberg to [US] Congress: ‘You’re not trying hard enough. Sorry’, by Lauren Gambino, The Guardian, 17 September 2019

Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old Swedish activist who has galvanized young people across the world to strike for more action to combat the impact of global warming, politely reminded them that she was a student, not a scientist – or a senator.

“Please save your praise. We don’t want it,” she said. “Don’t invite us here to just tell us how inspiring we are without actually doing anything about it because it doesn’t lead to anything.

“If you want advice for what you should do, invite scientists, ask scientists for their expertise. We don’t want to be heard. We want the science to be heard.”

In remarks meant for Congress as a whole, she said: “I know you are trying but just not hard enough. Sorry.”.

All of science is based on it…But I don't really know why it works

If I were to flip a coin a million times I’d be damn sure I wasn’t going to get all heads. I’m not a betting man but I’d be so sure that I’d bet my life or my soul. I’d even go the whole way and bet a year’s salary. I’m absolutely certain the laws of large numbers—probability theory—will work and protect me. All of science is based on it. But, I can’t prove it and I don’t really know why it works. That may be the reason why Einstein said, ‘God doesn’t play dice.’ It probably is.
— Physicist Leonard Susskind, Stanford University, in his 2005 essay for the collection “What do you believe is true even though you cannot prove it?”
There are questions that we can answer here that we can’t answer anywhere else.
Joseph Levy, Geologist, University of Texas-Austin
Mars, episode 4, at 44:01

Levy continues: “When the wind is howling. When it is -20° or -30° it's enough to start me thinking about having frostbite or hypothermia. Despite being dangerous and extremely cold and having hazards all around you there are questions that we can answer here that we can't answer anywhere else.”

Failure, with great precision

This measurement ruled out our whole inflation-based story with 99.999…% confidence, where there are a hundred million trillion trillion trillion nines after the decimal point. Not good.
Physicist Max Tegmark, on learning that data from the COBE satellite contradicted his theory about space/time inflation. From Our Mathematical Universe.

"How is that possible?"

The historian, although he talks about the past, can do it by talking about the future. When he says that the French Revolution was in 1789, he means that if you look in another book about the French Revolution you will find the same date. What he does is to make a kind of prediction about something that he has never looked at before, documents that have still to be found. He predicts that the documents in which there is something written about Napoleon will coincide with what is written in the other documents. The question is how that is possible…
Richard Fenyman, The Distinction of Past and Future, 1964.

The whole passage: "Physicists like to think that all you have to do is say, ‘These are the conditions, now what happens next?’ But all our sister sciences have a completely different problem: in fact all the other things that are studied — history, geology, astronomical history — have a problem of this other kind. I find they are able to make predictions of a completely different type from those of a physicist. A physicist says, 'In this condition I’ll tell you what will happen next’. But a geologist will say something like this — 'I have dug in the ground and I have found certain kinds of bones. I predict that if you dig in the ground you will find a similar kind of bones’. The historian, although he talks about the past, can do it by talking about the future. When he says that the French Revolution was in 1789, he means that if you look in another book about the French Revolution you will find the same date. What he does is to make a kind of prediction about something that he has never looked at before, documents that have still to be found. He predicts that the documents in which there is something written about Napoleon will coincide with what is written in the other documents. The question is how that is possible…"

Life generates energy from microscopic electrical motors that are embedded in cell membranes and run off electrical currents driven by pH gradients across the membranes. It is impossible for words to do justice to these amazing molecular machines.
Astrobiology: A Very Short Introduction by David C. Catling, Oxford University Press, 2013
I heard an interview with the renowned evolutionary biologist E. O. Wilson in which he addressed why, as a senior professor—and one of the most famous biologists in the world—he continued to teach non-majors biology at Harvard. Wilson explained that non-majors biology is the most important science class that one could teach. He felt many of the future leaders of this nation would take the class, and that this was the last chance to convey to them an appreciation for biology and science.
Defending Darwin by James Krupa, February 2015

“Libraries of life”


Hidden behind the popular displays at many of your favorite natural history museums — in their basements, back rooms and, increasingly, off-site facilities — sit humanity’s most important libraries of life, holding not books but preserved animal and plant specimens, carefully collected over centuries by thousands of scientist explorers.

Libraries of Life, Nathan Lujan and Larry Pagefeb, February 27, 2015, New York Times

"And I was just, like, why would anybody pay $35 for 11 sheets of paper?"


— 15 year old Jack Andraka, at the White House Champions of Change event on June 20, 2013.

Jack said,

Essentially, what I did was, In 9th grade I created a new way to track pancreatic, ovarian, and lung cancer that costs 3 cents and takes 5 mins to run. It’s 168 times faster, over 126,000 times less expensive, and over 400 times more sensitive than current methods of diagnosis. And, currently, it has close to 100% accuracy in diagnosis, and it can detect the cancer in the earliest stage when the patient has close to 100% chance of survival. [applause]

I did my first science fair when I was 11 years old. I had a bowl cut and glasses… And that was the first time I ran into open science, because I ran into these pay walls, and I was just, like…it asked me for $35. This was the first time ever. And I was just, like, why would anybody pay $35 for 11 sheets of paper? And it turned out that that would be me, because I couldn’t find it anywhere else. And then it asked me for my login info, so I typed in my email login and it said it was invalid. And then my 7th grade self took immediate offense and thought “you’re invalid.” And eventually I begged my mom and my dad to finally pay for that article and it turned out it had nothing to do with the research I needed. And the unfortunate thing is that these articles don’t have return policies.

(Jack is second from the left in the photo.)

You could write the entire history of science in the last 50 years in terms of papers rejected by Science of Nature.
— Paul C. Lauterbur, Nobel prize winner for his original research on magnetic resonance imaging. His seminal paper was rejected by the journal Nature in 1973.  Quoted in  Kevin Davies article “Public Library of Science Opens Its Doors.” (Found via Scott Berkun's The Myths of Innovation , p.54.)