Michael Peter Edson
{ bio at the bottom of the page }
Bluesky: @mpedson | Twitter: @mpedson | Mastodon: https://mastodon.world/@mpedson | LinkedIn | Presentations on SlideShare Email: usingdata at gmail dot com
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I’m a museum and library director, digital cultural strategist, writer, and artist, working globally at the intersection of tech, culture, and civil society. My special focus/expertise is creating new institutions, and revitalizing old ones, to help drive societal change at local and global scales — particularly regarding climate action and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
In May 2023 I was appointed as the Director and Chief Museum Officer of the Museum of Solutions, Mumbai (MuSo), a new, state-of-the-art museum in Mumbai, India, dedicated to inspiring and empowering people to solve the world’s most pressing problems.
In July, 2024, MuSo was named to TIME Magazine’s World’s 100 Greatest Places list. We also just won the prestigious Hands On! Children In Museums Award bestowed by the European Museum Academy and the International Association of Children in Museums.
I was the Co-founder and associate director of the newly emerging Museum for the United Nations – UN Live. (See my TEDx talk about it here, from the early days, and a good, more recent interview in Artribune Magazine), and been supporting the new Museum of Solutions — MuSo — in Mumbai, India. MuSo’s vision is to inspire, enable, and empower children to make meaningful change in the world together, today.
Prior to all of that I was the Director of Web and New Media Strategy at the Smithsonian Institution, the world’s largest museum and research complex, where I also built exhibitions and founded and led digital offices for several of the individual Smithsonian museums. My first job at the Smithsonian was cleaning Plexiglass cases for exhibits.
Sometimes I do consulting, facilitation, coaching, workshop design, and strategy development.
I'm writing The Age of Scale, a book about scope, scale, and speed and how they are changing society.
I’ve written some things about technology and culture, including Dark Matter, How Change Happens, Think Big, Start Small, Move Fast, Fire and Frost, Hidden Collections for Everyone, and Boom!
I'm a Salzburg Global Fellow; a 2017—2018 Fellow at the Getty Leadership Institute, Drucker School of Management, Claremont Graduate University; and a Distinguished Presidential Fellow (emeritus) at the Council on Library and Information Services (USA).
I’m the instigator of Climate Things, an emerging global collective of library, museum, and cultural professionals (and many other types of people!) who develop transformational initiatives for culture and climate action.
I was the instigator of What Matters Now event, the Openlab Workshop (video), Ignite Smithsonian (2009), and a series of free, global, peer-to-peer “sense-making” workshops that have, so far, served over 200 people from 25 countries.
I’m Chair of the Advisory Board for Europeana, Europe’s digital cultural aggregator, and I’ve served on advisory boards for City of Copenhagen History and Culture institutions (Københavns Kommune Historie & Kunst); the Saxo Institute's Past's Future project; Greenhouse Studios at the University of Connecticut; and more.
I’m a juror for the MacArthur Foundation's $100m 100&Change initiative and the Cumulus Green competition, as well as the Wiki Loves Monuments photography competition.
I’m a student in Harvard Business School’s online program for global strategy.
I'm a certified LEGO SERIOUS PLAY ® facilitator; a certified (but lapsed!) Java developer; a certified (also lapsed!) Scrum Master, and a visual artist.
Presentations and recent work
Feature - The New Museums and Libraries of the Future: Digitized, Converging, and Innovative; Michael Peter Edson, interviewed by Marydee Ojala. Information Today, January/February 2025, Volume 45, Number 1. (.PDF)
Interview: Culture, activism, and the big Frikin' Wall: in conversation with Michael Peter Edson, by Tim Deakin, MuseumNext, 9 March 2023
Interview: Interview: Michael Peter Edson on why we really need to worry about the dark side of the web, by Jane Finnis, Director, Culture 24, 17 February 2020
Keynote: Europeana Annual General Meeting, Lisbon, 29 November 2019
Ignite talk, The Web We Want, Museum Computer Network, San Diego, 5 November 2019
Robot vs. Human, Who Will Win? St. Petersburg International Cultural Festival, St. Petersburg, Russia, 16 November 2019
Keynote, Culture for All, Prague Platform on the Future of Digital Cultural Heritage, Prague, Czech Republic, 7 October 2019
Keynote: New Zealand National Digital Forum, Wellington, NZ, November 2018
Essay: “I went to a bar for time travelers…” in The Gates Are Open: 10 Perspectives On the Future of Digital Culture, Europeana.eu, December 2018
Interview: Museum Digital Matter interview with Michael Edson, Museum for the United Nation -UN Live, September 2018, Artribune Magazine (Italy) #45
Book excerpt, Forward to The Age of Scale
TEDx talk: A Global Museum Built from the Bottom Up — The UN Live Museum for Humanity
Presentation: How Change Happens
Essay, Hidden Collections for Everyone, Museum Blog Book (see and purchase the book!) (Just the essay, free on the CLIR website)
Essay, Fire and Frost: Museums, libraries, and archives and their future as a commons, in Patterns of Commoning (English and German)
Essay, "Dark Matter", in Reprogram: Technology, innovation and culture in a new era of museums (English and Portuguese)
Think Big, Start Small, Move Fast (video from Carnegie Museum Innovation Salon; slides from MMEx, Randers, Denmark)
The Future is Open (slides from American Alliance of Museums/Blackbaud seminar)
The Museum Life -- conversation with Carol Bossert on her radio show, The Museum Life.
Essay, Dark Matter. "The dark matter of the Internet is open, social, peer-to-peer and read/write—and it’s the future of museums"
Essay, Boom! For the book Sharing is Caring: Openness and Sharing in the Cultural Heritage Sector, National Gallery of Denmark
Essay, Museums in an Age of Scale, for Building the Future of Education: Museums and the Learning Ecosystem, Center for the Future of Museums, American Alliance of Museums
Europeana Dreams, a short statement about the future of the Europeana project
Stuff I'm doing soon
Plenary talk, European Cultural Heritage Summit, Bucharest, Romania. October 2024
Keynote, Internet Librarian, March 2025
Some stuff I've done recently
Keynote, Internet Librarian, Washington, D.C. October 2024
Strategy workshop, National Gallery of Denmark. Copenhagen, Denmark. April 2024
Keynote, Codeavor India National Finals, Delhi, India. April 2024
Keynote, National Launch Pad VII, AFS India, Mumbai, India, December 2023
Keynote, ICMEMO International Museum Conference - Living with War, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 2023
Keynote, LIANZA New Zealand, October 2023 (remote)
Blue Ribbon Panel, Monterey Bay Aquarium strategic plan, September 2023
Keynote, Bihar Museum Bienalle Symposium, Patna, India. August 2023
Panelist, A Special Episode of the Open Culture Voices Series, Part 1, Creative Commons, July 2023
Keynote, Expert meeting / closing plenary for the Leiden 2022 European City of Science (video of talk at 47:47), June 2023 (remote)
Speaker: J. Boye community member’s call, May 2023 (writeup: “Gaps and flaws in the traditional boundaries of our work”)
Workshop: Climate Things — Library Community Action, Next Library, Aarhus, Denmark, 15 May 2023
Moderator: Ingenium Innovation Challenge opening plenary, Ottawa, Canada, 5 May 2023
Library Leaders Summit (speaker), Washington, D.C., 23 March 2023
Webinar, Create Dangerously: Museums in the Age of Action (online), via NEMO — the Network of European Museum Organizations, 14 February 2023 (Video, slides and background)
Keynote, NEMO European Museums Conference, Loulé, Portugal, 10 October 2022
Keynote, IFLA World Library and Information Congress, Dublin, Ireland. 28 July 2022
Moderator, From open and citizen science to activism (with Scientist Rebellion), 7 July 2022
Keynote, Climate Action and the Culture of Museums, Association of Academic Museums and Galleries, Logan Utah. 15 June 2022.
Moderator: Heritage in Conflict — The role of crowdsourcing and citizen engagement in documenting and preserving cultural heritage in Ukraine. 10 June 2022
Moderator: Digital Engagement: Scope, Methodology, Tools and Practices, 2 June 2022
Keynote: Libraries, Climate & the Crowd: A New Concept of Digitality, Computers in Libraries, Washington, D.C. 29 March 2022.
A 'Concept of Digitality' for Cultural Climate Action, MuseumNext Green Museums Summit, 28 March 2022
Keynote: How To Create a City of Science, Knowledge Management World (KM World). With Meta Knol, Director of the Leiden 2022 European City of Science. Washington, DC / Leiden, Netherlands. 17 November 2021.
Keynote: Culture and Heritage at a Moment Full of Change, Conference for the Netwerk Oorlogsbronnen, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 2 November 2021.
Keynote, Robots vs. Humans: Who Will Win? Internet Librarian, 26 October 2021.
Keynote, Digital Culture and the Shaking Hand of Change, German Federal Cultural Foundation Digital Fund / Kulturstiftung des Bundes, 30 November 2020. (slides)
Keynote, Solving Difficult Challenges With Serious Play, Computers In Libraries / Internet Librarian, 23 September 2020
Keynote (moderator), Literacy, Libraries & Innovation, Computers In Libraries / Internet Librarian,
Talk, Scenario Planning, Computers In Libraries / Internet Librarian,
Talk, Aspen Tech Policy Hub, Responding to Social Isolation Through Education and the Arts, 9 September 2020
Workshop, Dealing with the Dark Side of Social Media, London, 3 March 2020
Keynote, Let’s Get Real conference, Culture 24, London, 2 March 2020
Workshop, Categorizing varied goals and approaches for environmental communication with implications for graduate education. George Mason University, Arlington, VA. 14-15 January 2020
Keynote, Europeana Annual General Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal (via video), 29 November 2019
Speaker and panelist, Robot vs Human: what skills will win?, VIII Saint Petersburg International Cultural Forum, Culture 2.0, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 16 November 2019
Plenary speaker and panelist, plenary Session of the VII St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum, St. Petersburg, Russia, 14 November 2019
Paper/workshop, ethics of 3rd party social media use for museums, Museum Computer Network, San Diego, CA, November 2019
Ignite talk, The Web We Want, Museum Computer Network, San Diego, CA, November 2019
Keynote, Internet Librarian, Monterey, California, October, 2019
Keynote, Culture for All, Prague Global Platform, October 2019, Prague, Czech Republic
SDG Cafe, Zuiderstrandtheater, The Hague, Netherlands, June 2019
Speaker/panelist, Law on Trial: Democracy, Birkbeck Law School, London, June 2019
Midsummer Days Popup Festival (“Mid Zomer Dag”), Stads Lab Leiden 10th anniversary, Leiden, the Netherlands, June 2019
Keynote, We Are Museums, May 2019, Muzeum Ślaskie, Katowice, Poland (via video)
Keynote, Wikimania conference, August 2019, Stockholm, Sweden
Keynote, New Zealand National Digital Forum, November, 2018, Wellington
Workshop/presentation, Tomorrow's Urban Travel, Copenhagen, October 9, 2018
Keynote lecture, FramerFramed, October 2018, Amsterdam
Keynote, Digikult conference, April 26, 2018, Göteborg, Sweden
Keynote lecture, Changing Perceptions, The Evolving Role of Museums, Aga Khan Museum, Toronto, Canada, May 9, 2018
Keynote, Library Leaders Summit / Computers in Libraries, April 23-25, 2018, Washington, DC
Salzburg Global Seminar, The Shock of the New: Arts, Technology, and Making Sense of the Future, February 20-25, Salzburg, Austria
Master class, The Digital Museum: Possibilities, Challenges, Obstacles, Saxo Institute / The Past's Future project / University of Copenhagen, December 6, 2017
Panelist, Institute for Museum and Library Services (USA), National Digital Platform convening, Washington, DC, October 17, 2017
Keynote/panelist, Frankfurt Book Fair, The Arts+, Frankfurt, Germany, October 11, 2017
Keynote, ARK27 — Danish Archives Days, Odense, Denmark, September 2017
Keynote, SEFLIN conference (online), September 2017
Seminar, International Association of Research Universities, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 2017
Getty Leadership Institute, Clarermont, CA, June 2017
Strategy and audience workshop (designer/leader), International School of Billund & Lego Education, Billund, Denmark, April 2017
Strategy and audience workshop (designer/leader), Museu do Amanhã (Museum of Tomorrow), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 2017
Lego Education and Tufts Center for Engineering Education Outreach, Boston, MA, April 2017
Strategy workshop (designer/leader), United Nations, New York, April 2017
Presentation and workshop: Change Strategies, Library Leaders Summit and Computers in Libraries conference, Washington, DC, March 27 & 29
Organizer/leader, strategy and audience workshop (for U.N. Live), United Nations headquarters, New York, April 2017
Keynote, Canadian Museum Association annual conference, Ottowa, Canada, April 5-7, 2016
Strategy and audience Workshop (designer/leader), Alle School of Fine Art, Addis Abba University, Ethiopia, March 14, 2017
Workshop, Catalan Department of Culture, Barcelona, October 28, 2016
Keynote, Marketing Artes 16 - Barcelona, October 27, 2016
Keynote, Marketing Artes 16 - Madrid, October 25, 2016
Hack4DK cultural data hackathon, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 23-25, 2016
Keynote, Seminar: Educational perspectives in Cultural Heritage Institutions in a digital age, National Gallery of Denmark (Statens Museum for Kunst) and Saxo Institute, University of Copenhagen, September 22, 2016
Speaker, California Digital Library (internal), July 27, 2016
Creative Problem Solving Symposium, John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington DC, July 26, 2016
Keynote/workshop, Open Cultural Heritage, Centrum Cyfrowe Projekt, Warsaw, Poland, June 11, 2016
Keynote, Polin Museum, Warsaw, Poland, June 9, 2016
Speaker, TEDx Tysons, Tysons, Virginia, June 3, 2016
IFLA President's Meeting, Toronto, Canada, April 7-8, 2016
National Library of Israel groundbreaking/workshop; Yad Hanadiv board meeting, Jerusalem, Israel, April 4-6, 2016
Library Leaders Digital Strategy Summit (co-convener/facilitator), Washington, DC, March 8-9, 2016
Keynote, Innovation Salon, Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh Innovation Studio, February 18, 2016
Keynote/seminar, J. Boye members forum, Fairfax, VA, January 14, 2016
Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything), January 12, 2016
Openlab Workshop (organizer), Washington, DC, December 1-2, 2015
Keynote, Teemapäivät - National Board of Antiquities, Helsinki, Finland, September 24, 2015
Keynote, MMex Seminar on Digital Strategy and Communication, Randers, Denmark, August 24, 2015
Keynote, MUSUND conference, Lund, Sweden. August 26, 2015
Keynote, Digital Frontiers, Dallas, Texas, September 18, 2015
Keynote, Europeana Creative Culture Jam, Vienna, Austria, July 9, 2015
Keynote, Public Libraries in the Digital World, Kulturstyrelsen - Danish Agency for Culture, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 16, 2015
Keynote, Library of Congress Reference Forum, Washington, DC, June 6, 2015
Open Policy Workshop, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy / US Department of Education, Washington, DC, May 19, 2015
United Nations Museum for Humanity vision/planning workshop, New York, April 29, 2015
American Alliance of Museums annual conference (MUSE awards and media & technology committee presentations), Atlanta, GA, April 27, 2015
Keynote, Smith Leadership Symposium, Balboa Park Cultural Institute, San Diego, CA, April 20, 2015
Keynote, St. John's University Library and Information Science Symposium, Queens, NY, April 18, 2015
Moderator: Open Licensing (video archive), American Alliance of Museums and New Media Consortium, March 5, 2015
Keynote, Presidential Dream Course lecture, University of Oklahoma College of Arts & Sciences, Norman, Oklahoma, January 27, 2015
Keynote, Southeastern Museum Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee. October 22, 2014
Keynote, Internet Librarian International, London, October 21, 2014
Strategist in residence/consulting at Museum Victoria, Melbourne, Australia, April 7-9, 2014
Keynote, “The Age of Scale”, public lecture at Museum Victoria, Melbourne, Australia, April 7, 2014
Keynote, Museums Australia/Victoria Conference, Warrnambool, Australia, April 3, 2014
Keynote, Northwest Association of Independent Schools Librarians Conference, Seattle, Washington, March 14, 2014
Speaker, Digital Media Learning Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, March 6, 2014
Europeana Network and Sustainability workshop, London, February 13, 2014
Keynote, Bridging the Spectrum Symposium, department of Library and Information Science, Catholic University of America, January 31, 2014
Keynote, Arts Council Norway, National Conference, November 13, 2013, Bergen, Norway
Keynote, FIAT/IFTA International Federation of Television Archives, October 27, 2013, Dubai, UAE
THATCamp Leadership, Fairfax, VA, October 10, 2013
Keynote/workshop, National Museum Congress, Netherlands Museum Association, October 3/4, 's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands
Speaker/workshop, Beeld en Geluid (Netherlands Institute for Sound and Image), October 1, 2013, Hilversum, NL
Speaker, Museums and the Learning Ecosystem, American Alliance of Museums, September 16-17, 2013, Washington, D.C.
Curate Camp: Exhibition in and of the digital age (facilitator, with Trevor Owens and Sharon Leon), July 25, 2013, Farifax, VA
National Library of Israel, digital strategy charrette, July, 2013, Jerusalem, Israel
Keynote, Handheld Librarian Conference: Encouraging Innovation, June 19, 2013
Keynote, Philadelphia Digital Humanities @ U Penn, University of Pennsylvania Library Special Collections Center, Philadelphia, PA, June 4, 2013
Keynote/workshop, REdesign: Libraries, Worcester Art Museum, Worcester, MA, May 3, 2013
Keynote/workshop, Wikipedia GLAM Bootcamp (keynote/workshop), Washington, D.C., April 26, 2013
Computers in Libraries, Washington, D.C., April 7, 8, 9. (workshop, panel, lightning talk)
Keynote, Wikimedia GLAM-WIKI conference, London, April 12, 2013
Workshop, Danish Broadcasting/National Museum Denmark, Copenhagen, DK, April 15-16, 2013
Keynote, Dansk Kulturarv, Danish Broadcasting, Copenhagen, DK, April 15, 2013
How Digital Still Changes Everything, conference/workshop, J. Boye, Copenhagen, Denmark, April 16, 2013
Keynote, Virginia Association of Independent Schools, Charlottesville, VA, March 23, 2013
Speaker, Social Media Week, Washington, D.C., February 22, 2013 (Presentation: Are Museums a Dial that Only Goes to 5?)
Case competition (expert panel): American University, Kogod School of Business, February 9, 2013
Keynote, New York Association of Independent Schools, annual technology conference, January 30, 2013
Panelist/speaker, The Commons and Digital Humanities in Museums, Center for the Humanities, CUNY Graduate Center, November 2012
Ignite talk, Museum Computer Network, Seattle, Washington, November, 2012
Keynote, Riksantikvarieämbetet (Swedish National Heritage Agency) annual conference: Cultural Heritage and the Civil Society, Malmö, Sweden, November 7, 2012. (via video); presentation transcript | video
Keynote, Open Knowledge Festival, Helsinki, Finland, September 20, 2012
Keynote, CityWorks: Big Ideas for Small Cities, Roanoke, VA, October 19, 2012
Keynonte, Open Cultural Heritage, Amladelen Week, Swedish National Heritage Board, National Archives, and National Library, Visby, Sweden. July, 4, 2012
Keynote, Danish National Museum Awards (Bikuben Museumspris), Copenhagen, Denmark, June 11, 2012
Keynote, J. Boye Conference, Philadelphia, May 10, 2012
WGBH Advanced Media Group, Boston. April 24, 2012
National Endowment for the Arts/Monitor Group strategy workshop, April 18-19, 2012, Asheville, NC
Keynote, Computers in Libraries, Washington, D.C., March 23, 2012
National Endowment for the Arts/Monitor Group strategy workshop, February 22-23, Oakland, CA
Commission on Innovation, Broadcasting Board of Governors, Washington, D.C., February 10, 2012
Keynote, DISH 2011, Rotterdam, NL, December 2011
Keynote, Sharing is Caring: Digital Cultural Heritage for All, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 11, 2011
Panelist/speaker, National Archives, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 10, 2011
Panelist/speaker, Statens Museum for Kunst (National Gallery of Art), Copenhagen, Denmark, November 10, 2011
Keynote, J. Boye Conference: Knowledge Sharing for Digital Decision Makers, Arhus, DK, November 6, 2011
Keynote, Library Director's Digital Strategy Summit, October 17, 2011, Monterrey, CA (via Skype)
Keynote, Europeana: European Cultural Commons conference, October 12, 2011, Warsaw, Poland (video)
Panelist, The Edupunks Guide: Center for American Progress, October 4, 2011
Keynote, Western States Museum Association, September 26, 2011
Keynote, Open Text: Purpose Driven Speaker Series, September 21, 2011
Keynote, NDIIPP: Library of Congress digital preservation partners annual meeting, July 19, 2011
FutureCast: Shaping Research Libraries in a Networked Age, June 8, 2011
PBS/WGBH/Ford Foundation "American Experience" series strategy workshop, June 3, 2011
Keynote, National WWII Memorial Museum, June 2, 2011
Keynote, J. Boye Conference, Philadelphia, May 5, 2011
Keynote, Maryland Society for Educational Technology, Baltimore, April 13, 2011
Ignite Smithsonian (organizer), April 11, 2011
British Columbia Library Conference "Directors Day." April 7, 2011 (via Skype)
National WWII Memorial Museum, strategic planning workshop, March, 2011
Digital Public Library of America, planning workshop, March 1, 2011
SXSW, Innovating and Developing with Libraries, Archives, and Museums, March 15, 2011 UPDATE: my travel was cancelled, so I'll be presenting via SKYPE
Keynote, Cincinnati Contemporary Arts Center, "Where do we go from here?" series, March 7, 2011 (Blog post: Where do we go from here?)
Keynote, Nordic Digital Excellence in Museums (NODEM), Copenhagen, Denmark, November 26, 2010
Keynote, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, November 16, 2010
Citizen Satisfaction Summit, Washington, D.C., November 2010
Economies of the Commons 2: Paying the Cost of Making Things Free, Amsterdam, NL (via skype), November 13, 2010
Keynote, Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, Australia, 2010
Keynote, New Zealand Digital Forum, Wellington, New Zealand, 2010
Panelist/speaker, Picnic 2010, Amsterdam, NL, September, 2010
American Association of Museums Digital Jump Start unconference (organizer), Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 23, 2010
Speaker, Gov 2.0 Expo, Washington, D.C. (With Deb Lavoy, from Opentext), May 26, 2010
President's Symposium on the Future of Collegiate Education , Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities, Washington, D.C. May 27, 2010
Keynote, Opening the Field "a conversation about the Commons", Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 26, 2010
Speaker, National Museum Publishing Seminar, June 19th, Washington, D.C. June 19, 2010
Keynote, American Library Association, Rare Books & Manuscripts Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (with Will Noel from the Walters), June 24th, 2010
Panelist/speaker, American Library Association annual conference (pdf), June 26th 2010, Washington, D.C.
Feature - The New Museums and Libraries of the Future: Digitized, Converging, and Innovative; Michael Peter Edson, interviewed by Marydee Ojala. For his keynote speech at Internet Librarian Connect. Information Today, Computers in Libraries January/February 2025, Volume 45, Number 1. (.PDF)
Interview: Culture, activism, and the big Frikin' Wall: in conversation with Michael Peter Edson, by Tim Deakin, MuseumNext, 9 March 2023
Interview: Interview: Michael Peter Edson on why we really need to worry about the dark side of the web, by Jane Finnis, Director, Culture 24, 17 February 2020
Interview: Museum Digital Matter interview with Michael Edson, Museum for the United Nation -UN Live, September 2018, Artribune Magazine (Italy) #45
A Big Vision for Global Impact, interview in Canadian Museum Association ‘MUSE’ magazine, July 2018
Michael Edson: Collaborations and Partnerships Are Essential to UN Live, Salzburg Global, March 14, 2018
Interview: Small Museums in the Age of Scale, The Future of Museums blog, American Alliance of Museums, February 4, 2014
Museums in the Age of Scale, The Future of Museums blog, American Alliance of Museums, November 26, 2013
Michael Edson, interviewed on INKT: Three urgent topics for all museums: scope, scale and speed. (4 video interviews by Rui Guerra), October, 2013
Museopunks Episode 01, April, 2013. "In this, the inaugural episode of the Museopunks podcast, the Punks chat to Michael Edson, Director of Web and New Media Strategy at the Smithsonian Institution."
Digital Strategy Catches up With the Present: An Interview with Smithsonian’s Michael Edson, by Trevor Owens, The Signal: Digital Preservation blog, Library of Congress, August 9, 2012
Washington Post: Visiting the museum? There's an app for that, by Jason Edward Kaufman, September 30, 2011
Mashable: How Tech is Changing the Museum Experience, by Aliza Sherman, September 15, 2011
Going Boldly into the Present with Michael Edson, The Signal: Digital Preservation blog, Library of Congress, October 3, 2011
O'Reilly Radar: Ignite Smithsonian examines the evolution of museums and culture, April 13, 2011
New York Times: Smithsonian Expands Its Reach Through Social Media and the Public, March 16, 2011
Radio New Zealand interview: Smithsonian Web and New Media Strategy / Smithsonian Commons, March 7, 2011
My Soapbox: Michael Edson, interview, Q & A for talk at the Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati
"A New Digital Presence: The Smithsonian Commons." Interview, October 2010
Public talk at the Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, AU, October 15, 2010
American Library Association Techsource blog: "Interview with Michael Edson from the Smithsonian Institution"
The 12 Ingredients of a Commons, for Opening the Field at the Walker Art Center (talk starts around minute 7:30)
O'Reilly Media: Michael Edson interviewed at Gov 2.0 (interview about the Smithsonian Commons)
O'Reilly Radar: When it Comes to New Media, the Smithsonian is All In
Short Bio
.. If you need it for some reason...
[Updated August 1, 2024]
Michael Peter Edson is a director, strategist, and thought leader at the forefront of transformation in the cultural sector.
Michael was the Director and Chief Museum Officer of the Museum of Solutions (MuSo), a new, state-of-the-art facility in Mumbai, India, dedicated to inspiring and empowering young people to solve the world’s most pressing problems.
In its inaugural year MuSo was named to TIME Magazine’s World’s 100 Greatest Places list and won the prestigious Hands On! Children In Museums Award bestowed by the European Museum Academy and the International Association of Children in Museums.
Previously, Michael was the co-founder of the Museum of the United Nations – UN Live in Copenhagen, and the Director of Web and New Media Strategy for the Smithsonian Institution, the world’s largest museum and research complex in Washington, D.C.
Michael is a Salzburg Global Fellow; a Fellow at the Getty Leadership Institute; a Presidential Distinguished Fellow emeritus at the Council for Libraries and Information Resources (USA); and a juror for the MacArthur Foundation's $100 million grant initiative, $100 & Change, and Cumulus Green, a global design competition for solutions to the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. Michael is chair of the Europeana Foundation Advisory Board; he is an O'Reilly Foo Camp alumni; and he was named a "Tech Titan: person to watch" by Washingtonian magazine.
More about Michael’s work can be found at https://usingdata.com/about
photo cc-by Lars Lundqvist