Audrey drew up a list of things that every child should be able to do by age sixteen and stuck it on the wall. It read, in part:
- Clean a fish and dress a chicken
- Write a business letter
- Splice or put a fixture on an electric cord
- Operate a sewing machine and mend your own clothes
- Handle a boat safely and competently
- Save someone fron drowning using available equipment
- Read at a tenth grade level
- Listen to an adult talk with interest and empathy
- Dance with any age
The Long Ride: The surf legend Jock Suthrerland's unlikely life, by William Finnegan. The New Yorker, June 10, 2024. Audrey is Jock Sutherland's mother. She raised her children — all “water babies” — on the coast of Oahu, Hawai'i in the 1950s and 60s.