References for European Heritage Hub Forum, Bucharest

Just scrapping together a quick list of references for my talk today at the European Cultural Heritage Summit in Bucharest.

This was an event organized by the Europeana Foundation and the European Heritage Hub in association with Europa Nostra.

The topic was an exploration of the role of digital cultural heritage in the triple transition of Europe (digital, green, and social).

My role was to present a short provocation advocating for the daring, urgent use of cultural infrastructure to catalyze global effort - - actual action - - towards the climate emergency and the SDGs.

Links and references:

Examples of projects on the other side of the Big Frickin’ Wall

  • Brooklyn Library, Books Unbanned

  • MIT Open Courseware

  • Internet Archive National Emergency Library

  • Leiden European City of Science 2022 (365 days of programs in the community)

  • NEMO - Network of European Museum Organizations (activity around climate action, political action, etc)

  • List of references (good Digital stuff) prepared for European City of Science (40+ projects in 4 blog posts starting here)

  • MuSo homepage

  • National Geographic Society’s pivot toward environmental/social impact reporting (I don’t have a reference for this, but as I recall the editors decided to pivot to a more activist voice as a result of the programs and panels that took place during the Society’s 100th anniversary in 1988.)

  • Hip Hop Festival, Maramureş History & Archaeology Museum




    • https://​www​.maramuresmuzeu​.ro​/

  • Green Council, Șirna Communal Library, Prahova County, Romania


    • Slides:
