The Web We Want, part II (slides)

I’ve posted slides from The Web We Want, the talk I gave a few weeks ago at Culture 24’s Let’s Get Real conference in London a few weeks (or more like 100 years) ago.

This presentation is part two of a two-part effort to call attention to the evils of the big 3rd party social media platforms and show why they’re relevant to cultural and civil society organizations and what we should do about it.

The first installment was my Ignite talk, The Web We Want (video), at the Museum Computer Network conference in November (an annotated, PDF version of that talk is here).

And now this set of slides unpacks evidence that shows the deep problems with 3rd party social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and others; proposes some high-level patterns that help explain the nature of the problem; and then proposes some practical ways that organizations and individuals can take action.

What’s the big picture?

The big picture is that we have a moral/ethical obligation to make adjustments to our online strategies because 3rd party social media platforms are behaving in ways that are contrary to our values in the cultural sector (not to mention our values as human beings).

Hopefully these slides can help you have a good discussion in your organization — and take some concrete steps — to address the problem and make the web a better, safer, more productive place for our communities.
