Trooly unctuous

“…and now we’re looking at groups of historically marginalized people being denied involvement in mainstream economic, political, cultural and social activities — at scale.”

Trooly (a play on ‘truly’, ugh), crawls social media, news sites, police and court registries, credit bureaus and similar sites and uses AI to determine whether, say, an AirBnB renter, is likely to be trustworthy, in their opinion.

It does this on-demand in about 30 seconds, for a cost of about $1.

The quote in full context, below.

Trooly — [now used by] Airbnb — is combining social credit scores with predictive policing. Tools like PredPol use AI that combines data points and historical events, factors like race and location, digital footprints and crime statistics, to predict likelihood of when and where crimes will occur (as well as victims and perpetrators). It’s no secret that predictive policing replicates and perpetuates discrimination.

Combine this with companies like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and yes, Airbnb deciding what legal behaviors are acceptable for service, and now we’re looking at groups of historically marginalized people being denied involvement in mainstream economic, political, cultural and social activities — at scale.