On the opening of the Museum of Solutions, Mumbai

I gave these remarks at the opening gala for the Museum of Solutions on November 24, 2023.

Intro: the MuSo “3 boxes” video

The Museum of Solutions is represented by a simple red box; our logo.

Like the museum itself, this red box isn’t something we want you to passively admire; It’s an invitation. It’s questions: When you look at the world around you, what do you see? And then: what can you imagine? And then: what can we do?

But why is this important? Why build a museum to make an invitation and ask questions?

The Museum of Solutions is built on 3 fundamental ideas.

First, that the world is an increasingly complex and challenging place. The future our children inherit from us will be full of dramatic change and uncertainty; great need and great opportunity. The way we were taught to work and live together in the past will no longer suffice.

Second, that young people; the beautiful, funny, silly, capable, extraordinarily children that we love — that we all once were! — have a special place in this world. But their needs, rights, and capabilities are often undervalued or overlooked by grown ups.

Decisions we adults have taken have made the future less hopeful and less joyous for young people than it should be.

And when we overlook young people we not only harm them — we rob society of their extraordinary talents: to see the truth and to speak that truth to power; to imagine without boundaries; to solve problems; and to love.

And third, that museums, which have traditionally been a place where we look at the past, can now be, must now be, a place where we work together to imagine and create the future.

That all sounds pretty heavy. But the good news is that we here at MuSo think that changing the world can be playful and fun.

In fact, the key insight of MuSo is that changing the world *must* be playful and fun.

Children and grownups alike — we learn best when we are playful. Through play we truly see each other; we empathise. With play, our creativity is unleashed and our imagination is set free. And through play we become brave and confident — we take risks, we fail and fall, pull each other up, and try again.

This kind of playful learning: seeing, imagining, and doing together …together... is what MuSo was built to celebrate.

I believe that the Museum of Solutions is the most important museum project in the world today. Nowhere else have I seen this deep, unwavering commitment to the rights, capabilities, and futures of young people so magnificently realised.

And I think in a few moments, when you start exploring the museum yourself, you’ll feel this way too.

Whenever and wherever you see our beautiful red frame with “MuSo” written on the top of it, I invite you to pause for a moment, find a friend, and tell each other what you see in the world. Tell us what you imagine for the future.

And then: roll up your sleeves, find some fun, and let’s see what you can do.

Tonight, this isn’t just a party and MuSo isn’t just a box: it’s the future waiting to be imagined.


Photo: Kartik Rathod

A permission structure for ignorance

“Search for Bill Bennett’s name on this site [Twitter], and you’ll see ‘Fox & Friends’ viewers cheering him on. And that’s the real problem. This show provides a permission structure for ignorance.”
CNN Chief Media Correspondent Brian Stelter (@brianstelter), 13 April 2020

Stelter was reacting to dismissive statements on Fox & Friends by William Bennet, former Secretary of Education in the Reagan administration, about the severity of the Coronavirus.

Bennett smugly stated,

And now they say 61,000 people will die…I’m going to tell you I think it’s going to be less.“…We’re going to have fewer fatalities from this than from the flu. For this we scared the hell out of the American people…closed down the schools…closed the churches… This was not and is not a pandemic…Look at the facts.

At the time William Bennett made those statements — April 13, 2020 — 22,000 Americans had already died of COVID-19.